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Free Consultation

DEADLINE: Free Consultation Offer Ends September 1st

If you have an email list and an open mind then the 30 minutes you and I spend together…may be the most profitable talk you’ve had all year.

You see…like digging for buried treasure, I help email list owners dig out hidden gold from their lists. It’s fun too…like finding buried treasure!

You’ll be shocked at how much we find too. It’s not uncommon for me to find an extra $5k, $10K or more in pure, beautiful PROFIT!…PER MONTH!
I’m curious…How much gold will we find in your list? What cool things will you do with it?

Now get THIS…you won’t need to spend one extra red cent on advertising.

PLUS…I don’t care if you’ve got a new list, old list, big list or small list…I’ve got a “gold digging” strategy just for you.

I routinely charge $500 for a consultation. A STEAL when I routinely uncover 10 to 100 times that amount just sitting idle…

BUT…I want to try something different, until September 1st, I’d like to offer you a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION.

Why would I offer it free?

Because I’m taking a small gamble that once we’ve FOUND the gold together, you’ll be so darn excited to dig it up you’ll want to “hire me” to help you mine your new found wealth:) (If you’re a do it yourself guy or gal I’m okay with that too.)

So, you’ve got nothing to lose and A LOT to gain.

I am one fella. Once my time slots are full, I’ll be forced pull this offer.

So take a moment now, fill out the form below and tell me a bit about yourself and your biz so I can do some homework before our chat.


Client Results!

$52,000 in 6 Weeks!” 100% PROFIT!


47% Increase in Income…”Almost Like Printing Money”…


Once I started implementing his tactics… I literally doubled my profit
costin nita


An additional half a million dollars
ryan moran

Fill out my online form.